## version $VER: MousoMeter.catalog 3.02 (24.05.94) ## codeset 0 ## language ??? ; There are some things you should know about making new .cd-files ; if there is a MSG like o\0Ok the character befor \0 is the Hotkey!! ; Everything behind is the Labeltext. Same for menus!! ; There are many messages with control characters in it (like \033u or ; simply \n. Please use them, too!! ; The three messages MSG_HIGHSCORE_BAR, MSG_BUTHIGHSC_BAR and MSG_BUTTON1 ; *MUST* have the same length as the original one!! ;o\0Ok MSG_OK_GAD ;MousoMenu MSG_MENU_TIT ;A\0About... MSG_ABOUT_MNU ;S\0HighScores... MSG_HIGHS_MNU ;B\0Buttons... MSG_BUTTON_MNU ;R\0Buttonrecords... MSG_BUTSCORES_MNU ;Calibration... MSG_CALIB_MNU ;Save Prefs MSG_SPREF_MNU ;H\0Hide MSG_HIDE_MNU ;Q\0Quit MSG_QUIT_MNU ;About MSG_ABOUT_TIT ;\n Your total distance %s km equals to\n %s miles\n %s seamiles \n %s times the marathon distance MSG_ABOUT1 ;%s times the circumference of the earth MSG_ABOUT2 ;\033r %s times the circumference of a 3.5 disk MSG_ABOUT3 ; Last time Mousometer was active for %s hours\n The distance was %s m\n And your average Speed was %s m/h\n MSG_ABOUT4 ; Today Mousometer was active for %s hours\n Your average speed for today is %s m/h\n\n Till now MousoMeter was active for %ld days, %s hours \n Your average speed for this time is %s m/h\n\n And never forget to oil your mouse;-)\n MSG_ABOUT5 ;Measures mouse-movement MSG_DESCRIPTION ;Today: MSG_TODAY ;Total: MSG_TOTAL ;Hold down left mousebutton. MSG_CALIB1 ;Then move mouse 10 cm horizontal MSG_CALIB2 ;while holding down the button. MSG_CALIB3 ;Afterwards release left mousebutton. MSG_CALIB4 ;Best Scores MSG_HIGHSCORE_BEST ;Worst Scores MSG_HIGHSCORE_WORST ;MousoMeter Highscoretable MSG_HIGHSCORE_TIT ;\033uDate Uptime Date Dist. (m) Date Speed MSG_HIGHSCORE_BAR ;Mousebuttons Highscoretable MSG_BUTHIGHSC_TIT ;\033uDate Left Date Middle Date Right MSG_BUTHIGHSC_BAR ;*Ok|Ignore|Cancel MSG_LOADREQ_GAD ;\033cSystemdate is more than MAXDATEDIFF\nafter last saved MousoMeter-Date\nPlease check the systemdate MSG_LOADREQ1_TXT ;\033cSystemdate is before last\nsaved MousoMeter-Date\nPlease check the systemdate MSG_LOADREQ2_TXT ;MousoMeter-Message MSG_REQUEST_TIT ;New factor is now %ld.\nTo set kilometers\nto zero select RESET MSG_RESETREQ_TXT ;Reset|Ok|Cancel MSG_RESETREQ_GAD ;CHECKSUM-FAILURE !!\nAbout to delete your data-file ;-))) MSG_CHKSUMREQ_TXT ;Let's go MSG_CHKSUMREQ_GAD ;Button-Statistic MSG_BUTTON_TIT ; \033u Left Middle Right \033n MSG_BUTTON1 ;Last MSG_BUTTON2 ;Average MSG_BUTTON3 ;Today MSG_BUTTON4 ;Average MSG_BUTTON5 ;Total MSG_BUTTON6 ;Average MSG_BUTTON7 ;V37+ required ERR_WRONGKICK ;MUI failed to create application ERR_NOAPP ;AllocSignal failed ERR_NOSIG ;CreateMsgPort failed ERR_NOPORT ;Can't allocate IORequest ERR_NOIO ;Can't open device ERR_NODEV ;Can't install input-handler ERR_NOINPHANDL ;About MSG_ABOUT_REGTIT ;Statistic 1 MSG_STAT1_REGTIT ;Statistic 2 MSG_STAT2_REGTIT ;Couldn't allocate memory for semaphore ERR_NOSEM